A Cross Roads in Time...

Well it's election time in Australia and I feel we could be at a cross roads...

This weekend it's either keeping the current government for another term that has been in power since 2013 and now with a Prime Minister that carried a lump of coal into parliament...

 and said not to be afraid of it or an opposition party with another vision and another direction and it's said a more greener choice.

We have been called the lucky country mainly because of our richness in coal, gas and mineral riches which earns us huge export dollars. These fossil fuels which many of the worlds top scientists are now saying are adding to the heating of our planet.

As the world is on the brink of a climate crisis, the last seven years have been the hottest on record, many still dispute the facts before them, many are disputing the use of fossil fuels. And it is said we in Australia have one of the worst records on climate action in the developed world.

We have gone through some absolutely disastrous times over the last few years from devastating fires that killed millions of native animals, dozens of lives and left many people homeless and even still living in temporary caravans and tents to unbelievable floods. Insurance companies now saying that many places will, and are, becoming uninsurable. Also many of the worlds leading scientists agree we are heading in the wrong direction.

(Please read my blog March 3)

The once in one hundred year scenario for a dangerous flood has been blown clear out of the water...please forgive the unintended pun; experiencing several floods in the space of a few years.

The opposition Labor party is promising to cut emission by 43% by 2030. So it's either more of the same or a new direction.

Renewable energy already accounts for 33% of the nations power according to the sectors peak body. South Australia has two thirds of electricity generated from wind and solar and are leading the world away from fossil fuels. So it is possible to do and not just a dream as many would and do still say. We also have more solar potential than any other continent in the world so much so that there is a company planning to export the energy gained from sunshine solar by underwater cable from here to Singapore.

At this stage it is still anyone's guess. In a few days we will know if Australia is on the pathway to change or more of the same or will the many minor parties dilute the vote to make it a hung parliament where confusion will reign supreme?

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach


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