As many thousands protest gun laws in America this weekend...

On the morning of May 24 Annabell and Xavier both age ten received awards at their school ceremony.  In just a matter of hours they would be dead. Shot, killed, by an eighteen year old using an AR-15 military style rifle. 

We know about the all too frequent school shootings in the United States and they are all sad, devastating to us around the world when we hear about such things but cannot just imagine what their families are going through, and their communities, it must be just pure hell and never to get over it...never.

Where a person too young to buy alcohol can buy a gun so powerful, also it is said so popular in mass shootings, that it literally blows its victims apart makes no sense to anyone surely!  DNA from the families to confirm the identity of those lost was the case in this shooting.

Annabell Rodriguez  and Xavier Lopez both aged 10 were classmates and good friends.  Their respective mothers said they had a close amusing relationship as notes were often passed between the two children and they would text each other before sleeping at night. Now the two young people with a lifetime of dreams ahead of them will be buried next to each other. 

17 other children from the same school and two of their teachers also died in the cowardly attack.

Another student 11 year old Miah Cerillo covered herself in another students blood to fool the shooter that she was already dead.

Children should not have to go through this!

This school shooting, just the latest, this time in Uvalde, Texas, is said to be the worst in American history.  Sadly there will most likely be more mass shootings...

The rest of the world looks on in amazement, head shaking amazement, as many thousands of people  protest gun laws around the country this weekend.

Will anything change?

We hope it will but no one really expects there to be.... 

Annabell Guadalupe Rodriguez .. Xavier James Lopez...classmates, sweethearts and and ten year old victims of the recent Texas school shooting. The morning of their death. They will be buried next to each other...


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