The Age Of Aquarius...


We are, it is said, on the cusp of The Age of Aquarius... 

Hope, harmony, innovation and collective responsibility. Not too sure of the hope and harmony part, the jury is still out on that, but guess the innovation is to do with more thoughtful and exciting ways to develop energy for our future use. Collective responsibility? Well that's debatable. The world seems a very confused and dangerous place at the moment that's for sure.

It is said when this age last occurred back in the 19th century it was a time of revolutions in technology, industry and governments.

We're certainly going through an age of revolution that's for sure...continual revolution it seems with people fighting amongst each other now more than ever. That's all we seem to hear about lately, fighting and refugees, people lost and fleeing their homelands by the thousands in search of a better and safer life escaping from wars and famine. And it can only become worse due to climate change causing  droughts, floods, and changing weather patterns.

Our friends in America are certainly going through that at the moment; the fighting that is. It's either guns continually in the news or now it's Roe vs Wade and the cancellation thereof and the change in the balance of the judiciary that has caused so much disruption among so many. This has huge implications, just huge, and there is a lot more to come out of this I fear!

I always thought the Age of Aquarius meant peace and love...well there's not a great deal of that at the moment. 

Dreams of the past and visions of looking forward to this age of expanded consciousness and more mindful of human rights still has an extremely long way to go.

We live in hope for us and for future generations just wanting to live in peace and harmony.

We live in hope 🙏


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