Trouble at both ends of the scale......

Firstly //    It's called "elder abuse" and it seems to be growing for some unexplainable reason.  In some cases it's neglect...pure and simple... but in most it's stealing money that isn't yours from parents that are not able to look after themselves, or their money, properly. Often without them even knowing until it's far too late. Maybe as money becomes tighter for some...but even then that's no excuse!

 Just reading about a case locally where a son living in another state stole...yes stole... over a million dollars from his elderly mother. Transferring the money from her account over a period of a few years and also used her debit card in unauthorised purchases for his own use. Leaving her with very little in her bank account to survive. She had no idea until it was almost all gone.

Really who can you trust if you can't trust your own family...beyond belief really isn't it but it seems this is a common occurrence. More common than we think...even though it's unimaginable to many, most, of us.

When you think of the sacrifices parents go through to raise a family in the early years it is really sad to know that the children you cared and bought into the world can just rip you off when they feel like it without a concern it seems.

In some cases it's often easier to ship them off to a home, some kind of retirement place, out of sight out of mind. I just can't even imagine! 

Years ago in my grandparents time they spoke of elderly people being sent to a "workhouse" as it was called in the U.K. Just do a google search. I  did and it is heartbreaking how people were treated before there was any thought of a pension as is the case nowadays. And I guess it was sort of similar  back then where children who could not, or did not want to, care for their parents sent them. They had to work doing menial tasks for their board and food. What a sad and depressing end to life...

I just cannot imagine. The mind boggles as they say....


Secondly//   On another completely different subject, from one extreme in age to another, on the Gold Coast here we have a spate of young offenders in gangs stealing cars. 14/15/16 year olds, some as young as 13 would you believe, stealing cars and taking them for joy rides. This has been occurring for so long now and there still seems no end in sight. No way to stop them.

Firstly you really have to ask where are the parents?

Breaking into houses during the night and as car keys are usually left near the front door and easily found they steal the cars often wrecking them or being pursued by police until road spikes can be laid on the road ahead of them.

The police resources this ties up is unbelievable when they could be out actually doing proper police work not chasing under age, and of course unlicensed, drivers. Just frustrating in every sense of the word!

The thing is nothing happens to the "children" as that is what they are, children, and they "should" be home in bed would think but they're out roaming the street looking for trouble.

They just receive a warning, a slap on the wrist, and then off to do it again. Many have multiple "convictions" against their name but it doesn't seem to make any difference. They know full well just how the system works and how to use it to their benefit continually. It's always in the news. Until the parents are pursued for the money and damage caused to the vehicles stolen nothing will change. 

Hopeless situation...just hopeless and it's getting worse! I guess the laws will change but it all seems to move so so slowly and everyone else pays...

Is it the same in your country where you live? Interested to hear your comments...


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