Covid still very much amongst us...

 😷How's everyone going with the dreaded Covid?

So many cases here in Aus 43,000 a day on average and on the increase. Couple that with flu and it's serious for many; especially the immune compromised amongst us. Also as it's winter here the flu cases are high and hospitals have delayed any procedures that are not urgent to take the pressure off.

Having my fourth shot on Tuesday! Had the booster last December and now the fourth. Understand after 6 months the protection can wane a bit.

I really don't understand the opposition to taking the vaccination. No one I know has had any after effects. Not saying there aren't any of course but I feel they are exaggerated by the conspiracy theorists amongst us after all it was only a year ago many of them were still saying Corona Virus? So you believe in father Christmas and the tooth fairy as well! 😠😩

Really...I mean don't they watch the news...see the figures? Then if they do they often say oh well the media are telling lies. 

Can't win either way...

Deaths here in Australia alone since this started are over 10,000 and over 8 million cases reported leaving many with "long covid" and feeling very unwell for a very long time.

I'll place my faith in the vaccine rather than just stay ignorant. After all we would still have polio/tetanus/whooping cough/smallpox/mumps/chickenpox/diptheria etc.,  without vaccines.

Stay well everyone and take care of those around you😀🙏


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