Rainbow trouble...

We have rainbow trouble here in Australia !

No not that rainbow in the sky but the one on rugby league players shirts. I know in the greater picture of things it's nothing much or at least it shouldn't be in this day and age but it has caused so much trouble...so much trouble. Seven players have decided to stand down from one team and not play this week because of it. More have threatened to follow.

Talk about good intentions gone wrong!

As you would know rainbow colours are for celebrating inclusiveness and diversity for the gay LGBTQI community.

The thing is many players in the league wear shirts emblazoned with gambling and alcohol sponsorship but it is against some of the players religious beliefs to wear a small coloured strip to show inclusivity with others.

I'm sure gambling and alcohol cause much more trouble in society than being gay.

So there are no gay players in rugby league? Please...!!

Maybe if more came out, or came forward, it would help others that are struggling with their sexuality and frightened to say anything to family and friends for fear it may cause some kind of shock or embarrassment. 

In this day and age it amazes me it really does. When will this all go away and people be allowed to be who they are and who they are comfortable to be without being frightened to admit who they truly are.

This is 2022 after all. Time to move on...


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