The loss of a pet...

 I was sent an article by some friends who recently lost their most valuable, most loved, best friend and trusted companion. And what NOT to say when someone's pet dies!

Some may say oh well it's just a'll soon get over it...or some other throw away line like...oh just get another one..or another line is..oh well you can travel now.. but it's just not as easy as that.

People can say things that can be quite hurtful without even meaning to be and often without even thinking.

The hurt of a loss can be deep and last a long time. As the article stated grief can often last months, even years and is not something to "just get over". It will and does take time; often a very long time.

Offer to do something for them and not just meaningless platitudes. Maybe plant something in memorial with them for their lost pet. Somewhere where they can go and think on the good times they shared. A quiet place they maybe once shared on their walks. A place of peace and contemplation. After all the unconditional love a pet, a companion,  give us without question deserves it. 

Many pet owners experience feelings of emptiness, depression, even social isolation and those that have never had a pet, dog, cat any animal that gives us that unconditional love, they would have no idea of what that person is going through about the loss.

It's important to be supportive and just be careful on your choice of words which can quite unintentionally make the loss feel even greater and also be aware their ongoing sadness.

Just say you are there for them if they want someone to talk to. Words of comfort are far, far better, at the time of a loss. They need reassurance that their feelings are normal and they are not acting strangely because of the loss of a pet.

It's a time to be kind...and most of all thoughtful.



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