The ones left behind...

The war in Ukraine is heartbreaking indeed.  Today it is stated 5.8 million Ukrainian people are displaced around the world and many more millions within their own country. Many, many thousands dead and injured and there is no sign of it ending any time soon. 

Cruel in the extreme on so many levels. Then there are the ones left behind forgotten pets that must wonder what on earth has happened to their once peaceful lives and where are their owners that were unable to take them but loved them so dearly.

Some people leaving the destruction of their homes and their way of life were able to take their pets with them but many, so many, were left behind to fend for themselves.

These photos are truly disturbing, heart breaking I know but we need to be aware it is not just peoples lives that have been disrupted by one mans ego to conquer and control but it is also the animals left behind.

I pray this will all one day soon be over for the sake of ALL concerned...


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