The Windsors...

I just discovered a series on Netflix called 'The Windsors' and find it really amusing. SO good. Seems it's been out for a while but I had never heard of it before. By the title I may have thought it more of a documentary on the royal is far from that! Far from that....

I just wonder how true parts of it are????

Interesting thought indeed....

The characters are very good...Charles..Camilla and cast are...well...the word good.. seems a vast understatement.

If you have not discovered it yet give it a look if you have Netflix.

There is a language warning for those with "sensitive" ears...but it is all in good fun and I read that it is popular at Buckingham Palace. Somehow I think the staff at the palace may find it more amusing than some of the royal family as the characters are often bitingly life like....but then you never know!


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