Firstly // It's called "elder abuse" and it seems to be growing for some unexplainable reason. In some cases it's neglect...pure and simple... but in most it's stealing money that isn't yours from parents that are not able to look after themselves, or their money, properly. Often without them even knowing until it's far too late. Maybe as money becomes tighter for some...but even then that's no excuse! Just reading about a case locally where a son living in another state stole...yes stole... over a million dollars from his elderly mother. Transferring the money from her account over a period of a few years and also used her debit card in unauthorised purchases for his own use. Leaving her with very little in her bank account to survive. She had no idea until it was almost all gone. Really who can you trust if you can't trust your own family...beyond belief really isn't it but it seems this is a common occurrence. More common than we think....
End of an era... Today it was something quite different. It was the scattering of a friends ashes, on an outgoing tide, combined with the ashes of his partner Malcolm. The two drifting out to sea together on yet another journey. Peter was an older man who, lets say, was at a complete loss when his partner of around sixty years died several years ago. They had spent a lifetime together since meeting in their twenties. They left New Zealand in 1961 as young men on a lifetime adventure to England together by ship. It was a time when to be two males in a relationship was not understood, was not accepted, as it is mostly today. Their life took on directions I'm certain would fill a book. Businesses, many beautiful homes t...
Just a pleasant quiet place I like to sit and ponder on things. Where I've been, where I'm going, you know the usual stuff. Watching the world go by as I sit under the shade of a tree listening to the birds singing and appreciating life around me. It's been a long and often bumpy ride to where I am today and who knows what tomorrow may bring. All good things we hope. That's what I always say I buy another lottery ticket!😊 There always has to be something to look forward to or what's the point. There is so much sadness in the world right now I know. Has there ever been a time when there wasn't any sadness in the world. If there was, I can't remember just when. There are people still preaching the end of the world as we know it and the doomsday clock, as it's called, is ever approaching the bewitching hour. Should we be nervous...should we be scared? I guess so but we seem to have been living "on the edge" for so long now I guess ...
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