Getting older....maybe slightly wiser..

One thing about age...or as I remember Cher once saying to Oprah that I always remember "Getting older sucks!" 😏 and I do tend to agree... but in reality it just makes you, I find, not afraid to confront people but to "stick up for yourself" more and not worry 😟about the other person so much and what they may think. 

I don't mean that in a nasty way but we often have so much fear and trepidation thinking we're not good enough, I know in my case anyway growing up, that was the case. Now it doesn't worry me. If I don't want to face someone I don't. My choice. Also not to feel the need to automatically check faces while in a crowded place for recognition or acknowledgement. Head high and onward 😐😉

Maybe it is a sign, at last, with growing older and being more confident, also more comfortable within my own skin. It's taken a long time I assure you...

It takes a lifetime of knocks and sideway glances but if someone's not happy with me or what I say or think that's their problem; definitely not mine. I don't need anyone's acceptance.  So many of us are held back with doubts and fears. It is so so restricting in our younger development and in life's direction.

Been there .... done that!

I know in my heart of hearts I am a good person and that's what really matters in life!

We are all basically good just have to believe in ourselves. Go with your heart and in the direction you choose. Not what others choose for you. 

A tough lesson to learn and something I would definitely say to my younger self...


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