
It's good to see Harry giving his side...his truth...as they say!

I am totally on his side. What with the dreadful journalists and the made up so called "news" stories that are put out by many in the media it is just disgusting in my opinion. The same media that hunted his mother Diana eventually to her death are now trying to do the same to Harry and his family. The media has so much to answer for and in the end it all comes down to the number of hits they get on their internet page to increase the traffic and the end product to sell advertising or selling trashy magazines with made up "news" about "so called" celebrities.

As someone said on Twitter today if Harry and Meghan cured cancer the media would be after them ...and not in a good way. 

I find it all quite sad and annoying that anyone can say really anything and not be answerable to anyone.

Harry mentioned Jeremy Clarkson in his TV interview. I have to admit I haven't yet seen it, the interview, in full and hope to read his book soon to be purchased but he mentioned how someone like Clarkson can say..in print in a newspaper.. something so vile and outrageous as he dreams of his wife, Meghan, to be paraded through every street in Britain and pelted with excrement. and nothing is said. That's allowed to be printed! Just terrible...outrageous.

"Oh that's just Jeremy." they say. 

He never even apologised just a few days layer saying he "made a mistake".

And that appeared in the newspaper a day or so after he had a well publicised lunch, with among other people, Camilla...the future Queen Consort.

Was there a connection...was there great hilarity concerning Meghan? I have no idea. Maybe it was all just a coincidence...maybe?

When violence against women...any violence against women is reprehensible. Words fail...really they do! When one in three women have faced some kind of violence in one form or another. And we see more often than not another violent death from a former partner on the evening news.

Words have power and they must be used with great caution.

Harry is protecting his new family and telling his version of events and good for him. If he gets everything "out there" there will be nothing left for the media to dig up at a later date.

 I am certain his mother would be proud. 

When she should have been protected... she was on her own!

P.S. I have now seen two of the TV interviews and it comes across to me at least that Camilla is the one leaking information to her contacts in the press. Nothing is said so openly but reading between the lines that seems to be the case. 

This cannot be allowed to continue for the whole wellbeing of the royal family. It is surely time for Charles to make an announcement or at least say something to heal the wounds caused by the British press.

As Harry says in one of the interviews in the U.S. the President or Vice President make announcements. In Britain it's 'Never Complain Never Explain' is the royal motto.

Doesn't seem to be working. Maybe time to break the royal rules and make a statement!



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