I'm sure I"ve mentiond this one before...

My feathered friend of over thirty years has to have cropped up somewhere amongst my ramblings on here before but just in case anyone has missed it....

This is Merle an Australian Galah. Purchased from a pet store so many moons ago. Looking slightly worse for wear and missing feathers...oh and forgot to mention can't fly now and not walking so good either but when carried everywhere that's not really a problem. But all the same greatly loved...and very spoiled.

She sits/sleeps on me or by my side never too far away. I think I worry more about Merle than I do about myself as going away can be a problem...is a problem!  Doesn't like to be in her house (don't like the word cage) only to sleep (so that I know where she is!)  and is out all day and every day. Also I'm really the only one that she allows to pick her up.. 

Sleeping on me when I do word search

Or beside me every evening as I watch TV.

In her very own kitchen drawer...yes her own drawer 😆... with scrunched up almonds making a mess...

I know... I know...but pets always take priority...even if it means food on the lounge chair 😦
And she has to share the evening meal..that goes without saying!

So that's Merle 😲


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