A New Year ahead and I wish Good Health, Happiness and maybe most of all...no of course MOST OF ALL..Peace in the world. Peace to our World. 

A big ask I know. We can try to do our best with our health..the best we can that is and guess we create our own happiness, mostly, but as for peace in the world! Has there ever been true peace in the world?

Yesterday was my Birthday...a new year baby..1st January...I know..I know..I was such a cute baby :) A lie I know...surely!

I used to look forward to birthdays filled with excitement and often good things but maybe it's a sign of getting older and the way the world is I am often now more filled with apprehension and concern at just what a new year may bring.

There are so many "flash points"..(and on going viruses)  around the world as they are well and truly publicised on and in the news constantly...daily. That can affect our happiness for sure!

I wish egos of the powerful become less war like and threatening and we can all live together in peace and love. I wish...I Truly Wish.

It's been a while since I was on here last and so much has happened...so much.

I had every intention of writing my blog more frequently. I will endeavour to do so.  I have to say I was surprised to see it..the blog..still being read by many even though as I say I haven't been on here for a while. I will try to "mend my ways" as they say and write more frequently. Hopefully daily...hopefully 😊 

We shall see...



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