Receiving Video Calls on your phone...

 Is it just me...most likely it is..but when you get a video call on your phone for a chat do you ever feel sort of cornered? Is that the word? Maybe not er..almost held hostage...or unprepared could be a more appropriate word.

I mean maybe text first so that I can actually BE prepared. Just give me a few minutes to at least look a bit tidy not just doing something else...nothing untoward that is 😳...but just have some sort of a warning!

It's almost as if we don't have a choice if you know what I mean. I just like to be prepared and not caught off guard I guess and to look a bit presentable and not, as my mother would say, in the words of that famous poem by American Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, appearing untidy and looking like something straight out of The Wreck of the Hesperas! 

(I don't know if people truly understand the origin of that phrase when they say it. It's just something that's said and then forgotten. Taken from a sad and mournful tale and just treated as one of those funny old sayings that are passed down through the ages and never given much thought. Link below.)

I stray...anyway.....

Of course it's easier to not answer at all, and that's an option, but we don't always think like that when the phone rings almost...well...instantly reaching to pick it up. That's me anyway!

Not a great thing I know to be concerned about but just a little gripe of mine. Something to get off my chest as it were. There's plenty of much worse things than that I know and we should be grateful to have a video call..anything!

Maybe just text first so that I can at least comb my hair...or something 😐

Thank you 😏

For anyone interested in the origin of that saying...


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