To vax or not to vax...that is the question..

I was thinking last night, I truly hope there's not another pandemic like the one we have gone through for the last couple of years because with the amount of opposition there is building towards vaccinations, it's going to be extremely difficult persuading people to actually do have the jab!

Just talking to people last night...or being talked wouldn't understand unless you were there..a long story.. but when I said I have had the two shots plus! 

"How are okay?" I was asked wide eyed.

Then to hear about all the stories, supposedly from people who should know better I add...doctors no less, about the long term damage that's done to the body by having these vaccinations there will be a great reluctance for anyone to have it at all. 

And it is growing I fear, the word, the opposition, is growing.

No mention of the lives that have been mention...just the damage we are doing to ourselves.

It's a fine line folks and China, where this all started from, is in the midst of the biggest spread of covid that they have known, ever, but many of the older population have not been vaccinated. Which to me sounds strange after all this time. Supposedly, we are informed, the vaccines there are not as good as ours anyway. Hospitals and crematoriums are full to overflowing...but that's not the official line, of course, I add!

There is even a claim I was reading today from anti vaxxer's a claim that vaccinated people are more likely to die from Covid than those who are unvaccinated whereas the actual facts are that unvaccinated people are proportionally dying from Covid at a higher rate than vaccinated people.

So many claims and counter claims...I'm just pleased to be, what I feel for me, as in the "slightly" older age group, is on the right side of science.

Guess we all have long as those that choose not to have it, plus the boosters, don't spread it around to the more vulnerable in our society.


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