Tyre Nichols

I guess by now many have seen the extremely sad and disturbing video of Tyre Nichols, the young man that was beaten to death by a group of police officers in Memphis, USA.

To serve and protect, should be, but not in this case it seems.

Wow...I just watched the start of it and that was enough. Just knowing that the young man in question would end up dead from a simple traffic stop is beyond words...beyond words. As I say I didn't watch anymore. He was beaten so badly and so violently he really stood no chance as he was calling out for his mother and yelling "I just want to go home!"

Shouldn't happen.......and this for a traffic stop!

His poor family just seeing that...his mother! A feeling of helplessness. How can a family ever get over that? How?!

The police officers have lost their jobs, as they should of course, and justice will be served on them. I'm sure they will be marked men if they end up in prison, which seems to be the case. 

Let's hope this doesn't flare up into a full-on riot. So far there are many peaceful protest marches around the country we see on our TV news here in Australia. People are more than disturbed but angry, as they should be, that this could even happen. Also that this footage is shown around the world. How shocking and embarrassing and how very sad. 

If the police officers were white, as in the case of George Floyds death, the city would... well anything would be possibly happening and that doesn't even do to think about. It would be full on...full on!

Although thousands of miles away my thoughts are with Tyre Nichols and his family at this terribly sad and tragic time...


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