Would you ever....

Would you ever go up to someone and ask them to turn the volume down on their phone? 😬

I'm sorry but I wouldn't..couldn't! I would rather remove myself from the situation than do that.

We were meeting a friend that used to live in our apartment building for coffee and sitting outside a really popular, attractive, little coffee shop we often go to seated under the shaded canopy of a magnificent colourful Poinciana tree. Tables dotted around and everyone chatting amongst themselves including us. It was peaceful, serene, until....

A couple arrived and sat just behind us and started talking on their phone.  I could hear it and it really didn't bother me at all. Maybe the volume was switched up I really have no idea but we could hear the person speaking on the other end. After a while the lady we were with actually got up, I wondered where she was going, walked over to them and asked if they could turn the volume down 😮

Heads turned...as they do!


Anyway.... the husband, or partner whatever, of the said lady on the phone replied in a loud voice ..."Why don't you move then?"...or words to that effect. I was so embarrassed at least I think that's what he said.

So as I crawled back out from under the table...figuratively speaking...not wanting to turn around just hoping things wouldn't go any further and knowing just how quickly these situations can escalate; I have seen enough Instagrams/Tick Tocks to know that and also how quickly they can go viral.

I also hoped that they would leave before we did. They didn't by the way!

So the peaceful coffee meeting suddenly wasn't so peaceful. To say it spoilt the morning was an understatement. 

Needless to say we won't be going back there for a few days; not with the aforesaid friend anyway!

How embarrassing...😳😳


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