Where's my phone...

😦 Have you ever left home and forgotten your phone?

I did this morning and it's a very strange feeling. To be alone and disconnected from the world. How did we manage without them before?  I have no idea...

What if something were to happen and I need someone? What if someone needs me...urgently?

Panic starts to set in  😟

What should I do...go back and get it or be brave and try not to think about it!

I was brave 😐

With a growing feeling of isolation and disconnect from the world.....alone...sitting there with my coffee before attacking the grocery shopping I look around for any newspapers to read. No luck there...

So with nothing to do but try not to be obvious as I look around at other people..smile at the lady with her cute little dog.  No Twitter to check..no mail to check..no Instagram...no news... nothing... I take out my wallet and re-arrange cards. Medical together...bank cards together...various coffee cards together...but still no phone and I vow to never to NEVER do it again..Never to be alone.

I guess one day our phones will be built in to our glasses, sunglasses...or some part of our body as an attachment maybe on our arm ...even in our brain.

What sounds like science fiction now will surely be true in a few years from now I'm certain...guaranteed!

And then I will never have to worry about feeling alone...isolated...and forgetting my phone again 😂


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