Anniversary of the Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples...

On February 13 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a formal apology to Australia's indigenous peoples, particularly the stolen generation, on behalf of the nation at Australian Parliament House.

Prime Minster Rudd Labor Leader at the time being thanked by an Indigenous elder for his speech. It was a wonderful and very moving moment in time.

Peter Dutton,15 years later and today the opposition Liberal leader, was amongst a group of seven MPs back then that boycotted or walked out of parliament in protest when the speech was made. 

Today he says he's sorry for boycotting the speech and didn't appreciate the symbolism of it, the importance and the consequences. 

I never thought much of Peter Dutton back then doing that and actually I had forgotten about it until this all came up again recently. Although he has now apologised for his actions back then has he really changed? 

The previous Prime Minister to Mr. Rudd was John Howard Liberal Party. He steadfastly refused to apologise for the mistreatment of first nations people and the stolen generation; the thousands of people that were forcibly taken as children from their families. The "uncomfortable history" of documented massacres that were erased from popular and political consciousness.

I clearly remember many saying 'The Sorry Speech' as it was known at the time would open the flood gates to compensation claims from first nations people concerning their treatment back in those dark early days.

It never happened. Never happened! There were no claims, no compensation sought, just an apology was enough and well received. It didn't fix everything but was well received and genuinely offered and it was a start...a new beginning. The Voice to parliament (Read my blog Feb 10) carries that forward today. Even though it's taken a further fifteen years and required another Labor Government to be in charge for this to take place.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton apologising for his behavior 15 years earlier.

Peter Dutton refused to attend the Garma Festival 2022 although formerly invited. Garma is a gathering of Traditional Cultures and Australia's largest Indigenous cultural gathering taking place over four days each August in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was invited and attended.  

Peter Dutton failed to attend a breakfast recently with members of the Stolen Generation and says he is undecided on The Voice to parliament.  (My blog Feb 10 explains) 

There's an old saying: Can a leopard change its spots... 

(For anyone reading this outside of Australia... The main political parties represented in Parliament are the Australian Labor Party, the Liberal Party of Australia and the National Party of Australia. In recent years there has also been a number of independent parties and members.

 Labor...Political position Centre left 

 Liberal and National Party in a coalition...Political position Centre Right )




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