local wild life...

Although I live in an apartment, I still see plenty of native Australian wildlife here on Queensland's Gold Coast. 

As I am on the ground floor with a small garden bush turkeys wander around the grounds. At least two and a very young baby as well lately.

There are black and white currawongs with markings similar to a Magpie but a much larger bird. There are about four or five of those that visit on a regular basis.

They all love mince by the way. At the moment we are getting through almost two kilos a week! They have expensive taste, and we don't deny them of it!

Butcher birds are a small brownish colour with a beautiful song and they are very tame now every year bringing in their new babies to show us ...and add to our mounting meat bill!

But by far..to me I love to see the Water Dragon.

About half a metre long he will suddenly appear and jump up alongside when we sit quietly reading...or nodding off...whatever the case maybe :)

With such a shock I add...always a shock! The claws are long and I wouldn't like him to actually jump on me as he often has tried to do. One day I was just sitting outside reading and he bit my toe...a friendly nibble maybe... but frightening all the same when I didn't know he was around. Just his way of saying ...meal time but not me please..not me!

A visiting lorikeet small native parrot normally flying in large flocks squawking loudly as they fly. 


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