Our Hearts break for the Earthquake Victims

As the death toll for the Turkey and Syria earthquake today heads towards 8,000 it's so heartbreaking to see the images on our television news. That number is beyond...beyond anything 8,000 lives! Survivors are still being pulled from the rubble more than 24 hours after the 7.8 earthquake.

Blocks of flats collapsing like packs or cards almost seems unreal and must send a shudder through many people whose countries live along fault lines as is often the case when one goes so do others. They all seem and are often linked have you noticed. Similar to volcanos when one blows others appear more active. Not sure if that fact is science based or just me, but it does "seem" to happen I find.

Also, with the bitter cold winter there at the moment that doesn't help as people have to sleep outside in tents where possible. That's if they're fortunate enough to have tents of course. Just cannot imagine and there's also many refugees suffering from wars and other conflicts.

Our nearest neighbor New Zealand had a similar experience and Christchurch suffered. And that was a 6.3. That caused deaths and destruction in 2011. Just shocking as I once lived there so know the places and how nervous they could be feeling now. They are always waiting for 'the big one' as they say the same as California is aways waiting for their "big one" to happen.

Thats the worst of these things just so unpredictable. We know they're there but just when???

When people are pulled out, children whoever, they always say praise the lord or similar words. 

I guess I'm not as religious, or I should say I'm just very conflicted, as I maybe should be but to praise the lord when being saved is great and wonderful and yet thousands have lost their lives and are still buried deep under tons of concrete. Somehow those words ring hollow to me. To me it makes no sense at all, the praise, the many deaths that shouldn't have happened in the first place. 

Then watching the sorrowful, heartbreaking, sights and the suffering on one channel and as that news item ends, we have 'The Housewives of Dubai'.

Ladies covered in jewels, sipping champagne, arguing bitching at one another in luxurious surroundings, about who's had what done and who's looking at someone else's husband/partner whatever, it all seems rather strange and very unreal to say the least.

So many opposites, extremes in the world, where people have lost everything, literally everything, just in the clothes they stand up in while others bathed in designer clothes dripping in diamonds and eating the finest of foods. It is a strange old world as they say...strange old world !

My thoughts πŸ’”are with the people suffering at this time πŸ™


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