Self Service Check-outs at Supermarkets.

 What do you think of self service checkouts at supermarkets?

Me...not so much. Never been impressed and never use them. I would rather go without or go somewhere else if I can't see someone in person at the checkout.

You know people are doing the wrong things with vegetables ...bags of carrots put through as something else when no one is looking. I have been told and know it happens. Just to save a wage rather than pay a checkout operator.

Now I understand that one supermarket chain has placed A.I. cameras above the checkouts to make sure no one "fiddles the system".

I find it all very annoying. I know I'm old fashioned and don't apologise for that. I just believe in paying a wage rather than paying for expensive cameras. 

Has anyone seen the shoplifted "stuff" poked at the back of shelves lately. I have. Empty boxes of expensive face lead packets...expensive dog products de-wormers, flea treatments etc.,

Have a look next time shopping you will be surprised. I find things every week. Less staff more shoplifting. Where I shop there is one aisle with a camera where the expensive things are. So what do people do...put things in their trolley and wait until they are in the other aisles, where there are no cameras, rip open the packets and pour the vitamin tablets etc., into their pockets leaving the empties pushed at the back of the shelf.

Less staff...more doesn't take an Einstein!

Re-posting this from Twitter this morning I thought very appropriate:

"Dear Woollies, Coles, Bunnings warehouse, Kmart etc., and all the other stores that have self-checkouts.

The last time I was at Bunnings (A hardware store for overseas reading this). the lady at the exit was stopping everyone.

I didn't choose to participate in that nonsense, so I just skipped the exit and left.

I heard her saying "umm  Excuse me" as I kept walking and raised the receipt above my head, leaving the store.

You can either trust me to do self-checkout, or you can put your cashiers back in places like it used to be.

-I'm not interested in proving that I did your job for you.

-If you want me to be a cashier with no training then that's your problem not mine.

-Keep employing young people and give them job opportunities.



I thought it rather good. Maybe time more of us spoke up....


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