The Uluru Statement..A voice To Parliament.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have consistently called for self-determination, rather than symbolism, to make a real difference to their lives. The referendum is a voice. It is a start. It is a
beginning...a shared new beginning.

To me it often appears money is thrown at a situation by successive governments, and nothing changes. The problems are always there seemingly hidden "under the carpet". Out of mind...out of sight until another "situation" arises. (Just have to look at Alice Springs amongst others to see the problem my recent blog dated Feb 3.

A Voice to Parliament would act as an independent source of advice to Parliament and Government to make laws that stand a better chance of working on the ground where real change is needed. It calls for structural reforms including constitutional change to establish a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.

It would provide a mechanism for Indigenous Australians around the country to have a say on how to improve their lives providing real changes and a shared responsibility working in partnership with governments. Also to create better outcomes for health, education and family situations

Not until 1967 were first nations peoples counted as part of the population. In the referendum they will have a voice...

"Australians have only ever known a system where Indigenous people have been treated as problems to be solved not as partners and active participants in determining their destiny. Australians have only ever known a system of consistent policy failure and poor outcomes for first nations peoples. This year we will have a referendum to consider a first nations voice in the constitution." 

Professor Tom Calma AO Senior Australian of the Year 2023

New Zealand, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, Greenland and the U.S. all have negotiated treaties with its Indigenous peoples. Australia has none.

New Zealand has had a treaty with its first nations people since 1840. The Treaty of Waitangi.  
Also there are reserved Maori representative dedicated seats in Parliament.

For more information:    Please visit the website for further information.

A brief note for overseas readers. As you would gather there will be a referendum held this year on behalf of Aboriginal and Torress Strait Islander people to have a voice to parliament enshrined in the constitution. 
A discussion, to put their points of view on decisions, that affects them. Their future, their wellbeing, and hopefully a treaty. Not along party lines but decided by the First Nations people themselves.

(Briefly my thoughts, my interpretation, of the referendum...A voice to Parliament. It could be an uphill battle to have this accepted but we shall see just what transpires๐Ÿคž Check website above for details.)

(Full acknowledgement to the artist of the drawing. I have no idea just who the artist is the drawing was sent to me via a third person. I will remove it of course if asked to do so.)


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