
This time one year ago Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine.

So many lives since have been lost on both sides. Many, many thousands of refugees have left their homeland through no choice of their own. Cities devastated. Peoples homes flattened into unrecognisable piles of rubble and it continues today.

Putin thought he could take Ukraine in a few days...he was badly mistaken. NATO countries have stood strong and helped. Many countries around the world have helped. We in Australia have helped with training Ukranian soldiers to sending money and equipment.

There is one question I have often wondered and if any of my friends in the United States can help, I would be appreciative. 

Here in Australia, from what I understand, almost everyone supports Ukraine and it's fight against the strength of Putin and Russia. We know that if Ukraine falls to the Russian troops NATO countries are most likely under threat and that will lead to conflict on a much, much larger scale.

Why does it appear, seem to me, that many Republicans are against helping Ukraine and "seem" from things I read and on comments on Twitter that they support Russia?

Am I wrong? Please correct me.

There was a photo of two American men on Twitter just yesterday, I assume they are Republicans, their t-shirts read "They would rather be Russian than Democrats". ( I was going to post the photo but laws and things I thought otherwise.) So I'm confused...

I myself , and many others, think President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a hero. Man of the year, man of the decade, the way he is handling the situation in his country.

When President Biden sends money, weapons anything, there seems to be an uproar in the U.S. from many Republicans in opposition to end the support. One Republican just the other day actually said President Biden should be impeached because he went to Ukraine!

Many countries are helping, so many, not just the United States. I can't fathom the opposition. We know if Ukraine falls it will affect us all.

Any thoughts appreciated as I find it very confusing...



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