The Uluṟu Statement from the Heart

I am nailing my colours to the they say... with regards to a vote we as Australians will be holding soon.

I will be voting YES in the referendum on October 14.

My choice has, I add, caused "waves" from those around me and fear it will continue to do so but in my heart I feel it is the right thing to do. To give more of a unified voice to those that have not had that true voice, a voice from the heart, this heart felt Uluru Statement.  

The result of the said referendum will hold a mirror up to us as Australians and show us and the rest of the world, our trading partners I add, what we are really like.

The odds of this referendum being carried has way of an outside chance. Out of 44 referendums since federation only 8 have been carried so the odds are not great. And there is so much much opposition of this even getting through. Facts are continually being distorted.  It's just sad. 

Where many First Nations people STILL to this day live in abject poverty, have a shorter life span, and where young men are more likely to end up in prison than the rest of the population. Where on average  two people every week die from rheumatic heart disease. A disease that was eradicated from the rest of Australia in the 1950's but still persists in our first nations people due to living conditions,  hygiene and general care.

Money seems to have been thrown at the "situation" as it is called but never seems to actually get to the people it is required to help. Nothing has really changed. Hopefully this voice, this referendum, will help, will actually get to the heart of the problem once those that need help are given more of a voice.

It is a proposed law to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. It will provide independent advice to parliament and government. It will be chosen by First Nations people based on the wishes of local communities. It will be representative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

It IS just a voice and NOT a "land grab" as many are saying. After all the parliament and government of the day has the final word. The final say.

It IS just a voice, a gathering of First Nations voices, to make suggestions on how we move forward as one voice. Not a voice along party lines but a voice from the people ...the people that matter. Our first Nations People.

This has nothing to do with past injustices and there have been many..but a wish to move turn the page as it were and start afresh as one people from this point on.

In the words of Noel Pearson a First Nations man and an advocate for Indigenous Australians:  No gets us nowhere..YES makes it possible.

My vote is YES. I hope others will join with me...

(Three earlier of my blogs refer/build to this most important referendum

Feb 16/Feb 10/Feb 3)

Read Reconciliation Australia... 


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