Living in Australia

 It's funny how people always think of Australia as having kangaroos hopping down the street or the dangerous poisonous creatures that are waiting behind every bush to bite us ...or even worse kill us!

I can assure you this is far, far, from the truth but that's what many believe that if they were to step foot on our shores they will immediately die. Yes of course we have kangaroos but certainly not hopping down the streets. As for the rest...well...๐Ÿ˜

This morning I was watching the early morning news show on TV and they had a segment on snakes...poisonous ones and two people had been bitten by a Taipan or some such snake I forget exactly. Anyway there were great details of this "attack" and what you should do if bitten and then from that it went on to talk about a shark attack where a surfer had part of his board bitten through.

The host of the show was at great pains, with a smile on her face, to say anyone on holiday here should not be concerned as although these things can happen and always to be aware this was not by any means a daily occurrence.

The next segment of the show went on to talk about spiders and you can most likely guess the rest...yes the poisonous ones!

So on your next visit to our lands just have this thought in mind...

A python or two lives in the roofs of many houses, many houses, but they are most likely there to feed on rats or possums. At least a python isn't will most likely just strangle you to death...slowly. Maybe even in your sleep!

Just do a youtube search. There will be something on there regarding this...guaranteed.*

Welcome to Australia...(with a smile๐Ÿ˜Š)

...As for the surfer..well he was fine...this time!

*maybe not the getting strangled part๐Ÿ˜‰

But just watch out for Drop Bears! They’re in all the trees…just waiting for an unsuspecting tourist to walk by. Highly dangerous.  


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