Within the period of your lifetime...what would you like to see happen? A big question...a very big question when you think about it.
Of course we would most likely say world peace....but I wouldn’t hold my
breath on that one knowing how everyone always seems to be at each others
throats most of the time. We can only hope!
A cure for cancer..yes we would all like to see that. Everyone either has
been touched by the dreaded disease, knows someone that has had it, lost
someone because of it; or indeed has it.
To end poverty? Knowing that the richest 85 people in the world have as
much wealth as the 3.5 Billion poorest! Does that make any sense to anyone? I
really can’t see that changing anytime soon.
Pollution is an on going threat as plastics and rubbish continue to pollute
our oceans and really top of the list, something that will eventually affect us
all, climate change.
The number one threat to our very existence on this planet.
There are so many things...so many we would really love to see happen in
our finite lifetime.
What I would like to see happen in my lifetime...my greatest wish is to
know that we are not alone in the universe. I would love to know there are
others like us “out there” somewhere!
If not exactly like us; in a form that we would recognise. A living
breathing figure with knowledge. Maybe they would be more advanced than
us...maybe not. No one yet knows.
Could it be that if they are more of an advanced race they may have already
found a way to treat, to cure, illness before it even occurs. Instead of, like
us, waiting with dread for that next pain and whatever and wondering if it could
be some fatal disease about to attack us. Imagine if it were never to happen in
the first place and they could actually help us with a greater knowledge for so
many of todays other issues also.
If another form of being was discovered it would change so many things...so
many beliefs. It would change thoughts on religion I am certain. Maybe that
would end wars as most wars are fought on religious beliefs.
There could be so many answers to yet so many unanswered questions..... I
live in hope!
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