
Showing posts from February, 2022

Man Of The Decade...

                                                  President of Ukraine  Volodymyr Zelenskyy  This has to be the man of the decade. When asked by the Americans if he wanted to leave the country they would take him to safety. His reply "I don't want a ride...I want ammunition!"  I bet he never, in his wildest dreams, thought this current situation would be happening when on the 20th of May 1999 he was elected by popular vote.  It's hard to put into words what his people are going through. How over 44 million people living in peace can be disrupted by one man, one man! No one since Hitler has caused so much sadness, on such a grand scale as Vladimir Putin. As refugees, mostly women and children, leave their homes and their loved ones to remain and fight the ensuing army of  hundreds of thousands of Russians as they "try" to take over the country. So far they are not winning after five days and it seems many on the front lines are young inexperienced soldiers; m

Bombed Out Of Home :( .....

Just feeling so helpless with this current situation in helpless. It's truly heartbreaking to see families sheltering in the underground tunnels with children and their pet cat or dog looking so frightened. I can only imagine their fear and pain. I know there are always wars and people dying we see it all the time on television. Maybe we can get hardened to it? Do we really ever or do we just think it is all so far away in the world it wont or can't affect us. This one feels different and I have felt it for quite a time now. Now we are in eastern Europe. Ukraine a country of over 44 million people and just a couple of hours flying time from London itself. My parents spoke of times during world war2. I never paid as much attention to it as I should have I guess growing up. My Father fighting the German invasion in France and driving petrol tankers. My Mother remained living in London and going through the blitz where it seemed most of the city was on fire and destro

Invasion Has Begun...

Sadly this is now out of date...only written yesterday...and the drums of war have now begun. We pray for Ukraine🙏 It used to be that the first item on the news was the Corona Virus..or Covid 19.. or one of the other many names this dreadful virus goes by but lately it has been Ukraine the first news item. I do hope I'm wrong but I have a great sense of foreboding concerning what is happing with Russia and Ukraine at the moment. President Putin is holding all the cards and keeping them close to his chest while closing in on Ukraine on all sides with over 200,000 troops ready, so it seems, to attack at his will. No one believes this is a "peace keeping force" as President Putin states. No one! All people want is peace and to live a quiet livable life without the stress of war but it seems it is not to be. I feel we are on the brink of something that once it starts will be impossible to stop. I do hope I am wrong. Cyber attacks daily are trying to weaken and frighten the p