Alternative Thoughts :)

Has anyone taken the time to study the vast array of non milk or plant milk products, as they're called, on the supermarket shelf. Next time in the supermarket just stop and take a's amazing the selection and also a bit confusing. There are around 17 different kinds of milk alternative products here in Australia from Soy/Rice/Oat and on it goes..

I know many will not agree with me and that's fine but I think people gradually, and it will start with the young, are becoming more aware in these days of a changing world climate that the way we have been living is now becoming less appropriate, less sustainable for the future, for the ever growing world population in the production of milk... and meat come to that.

The same as the meat substitute products now on the market...even a fast food conglomerate is moving into a choice of meat or non meat alternative products as the demand continues to grow. That would have been unheard of even.. say.. ten years ago. Also they now fill the supermarket fridges alongside known meat products.

I don't wish to lecture as the facts are there for anyone wishing to check with the cost in water and grain in producing animals for consumption and milk production and the land clearing to grow food to feed to cattle. Where we could be eating the grains directly.

My thoughts are out with Almonds though however much I like eating them. The amount of water it takes to grow them is high I understand and many thousands of acres of them are grown here in Australia; the driest inhabited continent in the world. (also we grow vast acres of cotton here which completely makes no sense to me, again that takes a great deal of water but that's yet another story!)

I'm certain it's a generational thing and the further we move along the road of knowledge we will learn new and even exciting ways to live a more sustainable future to feed an ever growing and crowded planet and still not miss out on protein, in forms other than the long known meat and milk in our diet.

Also the way thing...I'm a non meat eater...( as I lose a few readers to my blog 😲😐)...please don't hold that against meπŸ˜†...we all have choices and I made mine over thirty years ago now and despite what carnivores say I am still alive and healthy. Too late to change as they say...not that I ever want to that is.

My doctor agrees after a recent blood test he was pleasantly surprised at my numbers..but I never mentioned I was a non meat eater...just said that I ate "carefully". I never tell anyone as there's really no need for anyone else to know or question me as has often happened in the past. As is the case for anyone a bit  "different" as it were or with alternative thoughts.

And Yes that's including chicken...

It's funny when people say... "but meat doesn't include chicken does it?" Errr does!

I have nothing against meat partner is a meat eater...I just prepare food two ways. No trouble.

I do eat fish. In my own strange way I say to anyone asking, as they do, if I was stranded, isolated, whatever on an island I could..reluctantly..kill a fish to eat and survive but couldn't kill anything else. I know it's part a "mind thing" but it's my belief and I think it's healthier and better for the planet. Maybe not for the fish ....but more sustainable for the planet.

So back to milk alternatives where I began these thoughts today.

The latest, and I have no idea just how it would taste, is potato milk. I can't imagine it myself but it's new and from Sweden and is popular there. Maybe to be made locally here which would be even better for the planet than flying it half way around the world!

The mind boggles as they say and I welcome any comments below...

Instagram: mike_at_mainbeach


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