The Nadesalingam Family...

This is an up-date to my previous blog dated May 25. Please read that first as that explains this follow up:

With a newly elected government here in Australia it is with happy news that a family of refugees have now returned to their home town after four years of detention and being "messed around" by the previous government.

It was an election promise that has now been fulfilled.

The have returned to their community of Biloea in Queensland where they were welcomed back with open arms from the community that fought so hard for them to stay in Australia.

Yesterday our new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was in central Queensland and the Sri Lankan family of four travelled 120 kilometres from their home town to meet him and thank him and presented him with flowers in thanks for their freedom.

A happy story for once amongst all the continual doom and gloom. Sometimes we need some good news!

The smiles say it all...


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