
Showing posts from June, 2022

Maybe a sign of things to come...

 I was just reading through some papers and came across this article and thought how appropriate it is now some 19 years later. It seems nothing changes and as the saying goes ....a leopard never changes it's spots! This refers to a visit to the U.K. by President Putin in 2003.  It was, at the time, a first visit by a Russian leader for 125 years so it was quite an occasion.  Queen Elizabeth is strictly neutral on political issues but was overheard to make an interesting observation. The Home secretary, who had a guide dog, apologised to The Queen at an official function because his dog kept barking at President Putin and wouldn't stop.  The Queen was said to have remarked "Dogs have interesting instincts, don't they?".  Rather an appropriate comment you would have to agree. Lord Patten who also attended and was European Commissioner in early 2000's described Mr. Putin as "probably the nastiest man I have ever met. I met him on a number of occasions when

The Age Of Aquarius...

  We are, it is said, on the cusp of The Age of Aquarius...  Hope, harmony, innovation and collective responsibility. Not too sure of the hope and harmony part, the jury is still out on that, but guess the innovation is to do with more thoughtful and exciting ways to develop energy for our future use. Collective responsibility? Well that's debatable. The world seems a very confused and dangerous place at the moment that's for sure. It is said when this age last occurred back in the 19th century it was a time of revolutions in technology, industry and governments. We're certainly going through an age of revolution that's for sure...continual revolution it seems with people fighting amongst each other now more than ever. That's all we seem to hear about lately, fighting and refugees, people lost and fleeing their homelands by the thousands in search of a better and safer life escaping from wars and famine. And it can only become worse due to climate change causing  dr

A controversial subject...

. This is a controversial subject in Australia at the moment.... With our recent elections The Greens Party were successful in many seats, in fact they have done better as another alternative party than ever before ..but.. it is the removal of the Australian flag from their press conferences that has caused the most controversy among so many and that is very understandable. As quite a new Australian...of some years now I add...but not being born here I'm often reluctant to say what I here goes: I understand where they are coming from by promoting the aboriginal flag but I think it's totally the wrong way of going about things. It is dividing rather than uniting the nation. In saying that I fully support the first nations people and always feel they have been downtrodden and taken advantage of by so many, for so long, through the ages since white settlement/colonisation took place back in 1788. Also I totally support the flying of their own officially proclaimed flag

Yes... I do have one !

 I had to have stress test this morning! Talk about being stressful...just the thought of it stresses me out. I do tend to be a great worrier. Anyone that knows me will confirm that but then anything medical I think would concern most people.  So the story goes...just having a check up at my doctors. Everything fine, numbers great,  a push there and a probe here all good. It was as he was finishing up and the results of a heart check taken earlier were scanned he noticed something.....and out came the stethoscope. Yes I DO have one....a heart that is....some may disagree 😏 "Mmmm," he whispered listening intently. Of course a worry wart like myself doesn't like to hear that but then again not many would; especially from a doctor! "There's a bit of a murmur",  he whispered still listening intently. Then he checked the print out the nurse just bought in from a check earlier. "See that there...not quite right!" He showed me but it didn't mean much

Trouble at both ends of the scale......

Firstly //    It's called "elder abuse" and it seems to be growing for some unexplainable reason.  In some cases it's neglect...pure and simple... but in most it's stealing money that isn't yours from parents that are not able to look after themselves, or their money, properly. Often without them even knowing until it's far too late. Maybe as money becomes tighter for some...but even then that's no excuse!  Just reading about a case locally where a son living in another state stole...yes stole... over a million dollars from his elderly mother. Transferring the money from her account over a period of a few years and also used her debit card in unauthorised purchases for his own use. Leaving her with very little in her bank account to survive. She had no idea until it was almost all gone. Really who can you trust if you can't trust your own family...beyond belief really isn't it but it seems this is a common occurrence. More common than we think.

Kim or maybe Katy?

There is confusion in paradise! Is it Kim Kardashian or could it possibly be Katy Perry with partner Orlando Bloom??? For those eager to know...and I guess there may be some... it is "rumoured" ..KK is staying in Australia..that's Kim Kardashian.or as they stated in todays local newspaper "temporarily re-locating" for a spell while her friend, partner, Pete Davidson films scenes for a Hollywood comedy titled 'Wizards' being made here in Australia. That's one version anyway...but just read that Kim is supposed to still be in the U.S. with her children at this time so the mystery deepens? This all started this morning when a cafe owner in Cairns, north Queensland, stated in the local paper that a security detail arrived at his business and asked if he had room for a couple of private guests who are hoping to take over the inside. Staff were asked to leave mobile phones on the counter. No photo's  please. He, the cafe owner, then said... in walked K

The Nadesalingam Family...

This is an up-date to my previous blog dated May 25. Please read that first as that explains this follow up: With a newly elected government here in Australia it is with happy news that a family of refugees have now returned to their home town after four years of detention and being "messed around" by the previous government. It was an election promise that has now been fulfilled. The have returned to their community of Biloea in Queensland where they were welcomed back with open arms from the community that fought so hard for them to stay in Australia. Yesterday our new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was in central Queensland and the Sri Lankan family of four travelled 120 kilometres from their home town to meet him and thank him and presented him with flowers in thanks for their freedom. A happy story for once amongst all the continual doom and gloom. Sometimes we need some good news! The smiles say it all...

As many thousands protest gun laws in America this weekend...

On the morning of May 24 Annabell and Xavier both age ten received awards at their school ceremony.  In just a matter of hours they would be dead. Shot, killed, by an eighteen year old using an AR-15 military style rifle.  We know about the all too frequent school shootings in the United States and they are all sad, devastating to us around the world when we hear about such things but cannot just imagine what their families are going through, and their communities, it must be just pure hell and never to get over it...never. Where a person too young to buy alcohol can buy a gun so powerful, also it is said so popular in mass shootings, that it literally blows its victims apart makes no sense to anyone surely!  DNA from the families to confirm the identity of those lost was the case in this shooting. Annabell Rodriguez  and Xavier Lopez both aged 10 were classmates and good friends.  Their respective mothers said they had a close amusing relationship as notes were often passed between th

Flower Power....

 I heard a song today for the first time in a long time...Scott McKenzie singing San Francisco.. "If you're going to San Francisco.... be sure to wear some flowers in your hair" etc., etc., Just one of the many beautiful songs from that era of peace, love, and dreams of a better future for the world in general. The sixties and early seventies; where did it all go so wrong! The hippie counter culture, as it was called at the time, of which the Scott McKenzie song became its ambassador, grew from people with the same beliefs of peace, love, and saying no to violence.  The Vietnam war was indeed a nightmare for so many at the time and seemingly there was no end in sight. Bob Dylan's "Tambourine Man"...Hair's "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" .."Blowing In The Wind"...The Who's "My Generation" and as they said at the time The Mamas and Pappas were "California Dreaming" along with the Beach Boys, Jan and Dean sur

Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Celebrations...

  Enjoyed watching the celebrations in London. Queen Elizabeth is certainly a marvelous woman and so respected by so many in the commonwealth and around the world. The platinum jubilee celebrations went perfectly and as always, as only Britain can do it, just like clockwork. It's certainly all in the timing, precision and organisation. A colourful spectacle indeed. Many try; they don't always succeed. Have to admit it pulled at the heart strings for me as it's where I grew up, spent my formative years as they say. So many memories, good ones, some not so good, happy and sad. I wished my Parents were still alive to witness the celebrations as London was a great part of their was their life. Through the war years and the bombing of London and everything that went with it. Certainly there was sadness and tears but they survived, as the British did at the time, against all odds. I watched it on TV eagerly trying to spot landmarks I knew so well. Loved the show outside

We WILL remember them..

Tiananmen Square 1989 πŸ™ For those too young to remember...33 years ago todayπŸ™ This will never be removed from the pages of history...They may try! (674) Archive: Chinese troops fire on protesters in Tiananmen Square - BBC News - YouTube Many, many, thousands were killed. Innocent young lives lost... A very black and bloody day indeed...

Johnny and Amber...

Is anyone else pleased this is over? I am for sure... I think very many are. Six weeks 😣😣😣😣 I really don't know why it was on the news so much...every night in fact. I think it was on as much as reports of the war in Ukraine at times. I don't know why we had to know every detail. It's a high profile case for sure and famous people involved but there must be so many cases like this and so often. Just unsure why we needed to know those details.  Not sure what it's done for their respective careers. Let's hope they can now resume their lives. I wish them well. I know I wont miss hearing about it every day....