
Living in Australia

 It's funny how people always think of Australia as having kangaroos hopping down the street or the dangerous poisonous creatures that are waiting behind every bush to bite us ...or even worse kill us! I can assure you this is far, far, from the truth but that's what many believe that if they were to step foot on our shores they will immediately die. Yes of course we have kangaroos but certainly not hopping down the streets. As for the rest...well...😏 This morning I was watching the early morning news show on TV and they had a segment on snakes...poisonous ones and two people had been bitten by a Taipan or some such snake I forget exactly. Anyway there were great details of this "attack" and what you should do if bitten and then from that it went on to talk about a shark attack where a surfer had part of his board bitten through. The host of the show was at great pains, with a smile on her face, to say anyone on holiday here should not be concerned as although these

The Uluṟu Statement from the Heart

I am nailing my colours to the they say... with regards to a vote we as Australians will be holding soon. I will be voting YES in the referendum on October 14. My choice has, I add, caused "waves" from those around me and fear it will continue to do so but in my heart I feel it is the right thing to do. To give more of a unified voice to those that have not had that true voice, a voice from the heart, this heart felt Uluru Statement.   The result of the said referendum will hold a mirror up to us as Australians and show us and the rest of the world, our trading partners I add, what we are really like. The odds of this referendum being carried has way of an outside chance. Out of 44 referendums since federation only 8 have been carried so the odds are not great. And there is so much much opposition of this even getting through. Facts are continually being distorted.  It's just sad.  Where many First Nations people STILL to this day live in abject p

Harry Mania...

 Yes we're in the midst of Harry mania! No not that Harry, the other one, Harry Styles. Yes he's here in Australia and enjoying huge popularity. Tonight's concert in front of 50,000 fans on the Gold Coast. His only Queensland show.  He is the biggest "thing" for many years. After all who but Harry could hold the record for 15 sold out consecutive shows at New York's Madison Square Garden while on a major world tour for his "Love On Tour"...series of concerts. Anyone that says it's all too silly has a very short memory when back as far as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Pat Boone in the fifties (Just remind your parents of their early crush) and on and on it goes there have been teen idols. They come and they go. Some lasting longer than others. Good for them...make it while you can and store away the money...or some of the money for that inevitable rainy day down the track. So from Davy Jones in the 60's to David Cassidy in the 70's...anyon


Why do we feel obliged to have to celebrate a birthday as we get older, even if we don't really want to? I can understand children celebrating their birthdays. Great, good fun. Cake, candles and streamers.  I can understand 18-year-olds and 21-year-olds celebrating a milestone birthday but once we get to say forty plus...why? Is it just "I've survived another year".  I'm certain no one really wants or needs to be reminded the age clock is counting down to an inevitable midnight. Does anyone really need reminding that they are getting older? A birthday card with some, supposedly funny but not really, remark that another year has passed. I just find there's no need as one-year blends slowly into the next. Thats enough, that's enough for me. I know it, why everyone else needs to is a mystery.  I'm sure I'm not the only one! After all I'm convinced age IS a state of mind and once you get into that mindset it's good for mind and  body. Once you


This time one year ago Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine. So many lives since have been lost on both sides. Many, many thousands of refugees have left their homeland through no choice of their own. Cities devastated. Peoples homes flattened into unrecognisable piles of rubble and it continues today. Putin thought he could take Ukraine in a few days...he was badly mistaken. NATO countries have stood strong and helped. Many countries around the world have helped. We in Australia have helped with training Ukranian soldiers to sending money and equipment. There is one question I have often wondered and if any of my friends in the United States can help, I would be appreciative.  Here in Australia, from what I understand, almost everyone supports Ukraine and it's fight against the strength of Putin and Russia. We know that if Ukraine falls to the Russian troops NATO countries are most likely under threat and that will lead to conflict on a much, much larger scale. Why does it appea

Just day dreaming....

  Just a pleasant quiet place I like to sit and ponder on things. Where I've been, where I'm going, you know the usual stuff. Watching the world go by as I sit under the shade of a tree listening to the birds singing and appreciating life around me. It's been a long and often bumpy ride to where I am today and who knows what tomorrow may bring. All good things we hope. That's what I always say I buy another lottery ticket!😊 There always has to be something to look forward to or what's the point.  There is so much sadness in the world right now I know. Has there ever been a time when there wasn't any sadness in the world. If there was, I can't remember just when. There are people still preaching the end of the world as we know it and the doomsday clock, as it's called, is ever approaching the bewitching hour. Should we be nervous...should we be scared? I guess so but we seem to have been living "on the edge" for so long now I guess

Self Service Check-outs at Supermarkets.

 What do you think of self service checkouts at supermarkets? Me...not so much. Never been impressed and never use them. I would rather go without or go somewhere else if I can't see someone in person at the checkout. You know people are doing the wrong things with vegetables ...bags of carrots put through as something else when no one is looking. I have been told and know it happens. Just to save a wage rather than pay a checkout operator. Now I understand that one supermarket chain has placed A.I. cameras above the checkouts to make sure no one "fiddles the system". I find it all very annoying. I know I'm old fashioned and don't apologise for that. I just believe in paying a wage rather than paying for expensive cameras.  Has anyone seen the shoplifted "stuff" poked at the back of shelves lately. I have. Empty boxes of expensive face lead packets...expensive dog products de-wormers, flea treatments etc., Have a look next time