
Showing posts from July, 2022

January 6 riots an outsider looking in.

After January 6 2021 and all that we have learned since the riots and the threat to democracy that took place, and that at least seven people lost their lives in connection with these riots, let us hope we never see anything like this ever again. I'm sure many would agree it was unbelievable, disgraceful and something that should never have occurred. The rest of the world looked on in horror, amazement, that such a disruptive force allowed this to happen. Many hope for a more united America and much less divisive, as in the past, as we move forward for the sake of the United States and for the sake of the world in general. We have enough unease and disruption world wide at the moment...we certainly don't need any more!  As ex President Trump talks of lawlessness at the moment but fails to acknowledge the damage and destruction of a failed coup, to contest the election which he lost, and yet still states it was rigged and that he won.

Rainbow trouble...

We have rainbow trouble here in Australia ! No not that rainbow in the sky but the one on rugby league players shirts. I know in the greater picture of things it's nothing much or at least it shouldn't be in this day and age but it has caused so much much trouble. Seven players have decided to stand down from one team and not play this week because of it. More have threatened to follow. Talk about good intentions gone wrong! As you would know rainbow colours are for celebrating inclusiveness and diversity for the gay LGBTQI community. The thing is many players in the league wear shirts emblazoned with gambling and alcohol sponsorship but it is against some of the players religious beliefs to wear a small coloured strip to show inclusivity with others. I'm sure gambling and alcohol cause much more trouble in society than being gay. So there are no gay players in rugby league? Please...!! Maybe if more came out, or came forward, it would help others that are stru

The ones left behind...

The war in Ukraine is heartbreaking indeed.  Today it is stated 5.8 million Ukrainian people are displaced around the world and many more millions within their own country. Many, many thousands dead and injured and there is no sign of it ending any time soon.  Cruel in the extreme on so many levels. Then there are the ones left behind forgotten pets that must wonder what on earth has happened to their once peaceful lives and where are their owners that were unable to take them but loved them so dearly. Some people leaving the destruction of their homes and their way of life were able to take their pets with them but many, so many, were left behind to fend for themselves. These photos are truly disturbing, heart breaking I know but we need to be aware it is not just peoples lives that have been disrupted by one mans ego to conquer and control but it is also the animals left behind. I pray this will all one day soon be over for the sake of ALL concerned...

The Windsors...

I just discovered a series on Netflix called 'The Windsors' and find it really amusing. SO good. Seems it's been out for a while but I had never heard of it before. By the title I may have thought it more of a documentary on the royal is far from that! Far from that.... I just wonder how true parts of it are???? Interesting thought indeed.... The characters are very good...Charles..Camilla and cast are...well...the word good.. seems a vast understatement. If you have not discovered it yet give it a look if you have Netflix. There is a language warning for those with "sensitive" ears...but it is all in good fun and I read that it is popular at Buckingham Palace. Somehow I think the staff at the palace may find it more amusing than some of the royal family as the characters are often bitingly life like....but then you never know!

The loss of a pet...

 I was sent an article by some friends who recently lost their most valuable, most loved, best friend and trusted companion. And what NOT to say when someone's pet dies! Some may say oh well it's just a'll soon get over it...or some other throw away line like...oh just get another one..or another line is..oh well you can travel now.. but it's just not as easy as that. People can say things that can be quite hurtful without even meaning to be and often without even thinking. The hurt of a loss can be deep and last a long time. As the article stated grief can often last months, even years and is not something to "just get over". It will and does take time; often a very long time. Offer to do something for them and not just meaningless platitudes. Maybe plant something in memorial with them for their lost pet. Somewhere where they can go and think on the good times they shared. A quiet place they maybe once shared on their walks. A place of peace and co

To maybe make you smile :)

  This made me laugh from this mornings paper and I'm sure it applies to someone you may know πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Just had to share.... (With acknowledgement to Lynch / Grin Bin cartoon strip)

Just a thought...

What do you say to someone that has asked you the same questions numerous times on multiple occasions? I have answered..repeatedly..with the exact same response but somehow it doesn't seem to register. Is it because I am so completely uninteresting or is it that the same people, that's more than one, just don't listenπŸ˜’ I find it annoying having to repeat myself often with the same, to me, boring response! I know its not in my imagination. Plenty of things are I my imagination that is.. but that's definitely not one of them. Should I be rude and say, well, that's the third/fourth time you have asked me that same question. Why don't you listen? Of course I'm not THAT rude..yet! Maybe it's because I remember so many details of conversations. I mean I often wish I could press the delete button on many things frequently in my mind. I do remember so many details of everything. Maybe I'm unusual or like the elephant that supposedly never forgets

Hi Everyone... (That was a quick break!)

 Just taking a break from my blog for a while.  Life seems to get in the way at times...even from my often crazy mixed up thoughts 😏 Keep well everyone and hope we can all stay ahead of this dreaded virus. 😷 Wishing Peace To The World. Back soon πŸ˜‡

Covid still very much amongst us...

 πŸ˜·How's everyone going with the dreaded Covid? So many cases here in Aus 43,000 a day on average and on the increase. Couple that with flu and it's serious for many; especially the immune compromised amongst us. Also as it's winter here the flu cases are high and hospitals have delayed any procedures that are not urgent to take the pressure off. Having my fourth shot on Tuesday! Had the booster last December and now the fourth. Understand after 6 months the protection can wane a bit. I really don't understand the opposition to taking the vaccination. No one I know has had any after effects. Not saying there aren't any of course but I feel they are exaggerated by the conspiracy theorists amongst us after all it was only a year ago many of them were still saying Corona Virus? So you believe in father Christmas and the tooth fairy as well! 😠😩 Really...I mean don't they watch the news...see the figures? Then if they do they often say oh well the media

I Am Australian...

Once again this may not mean too much to anyone outside of Australia...but hopefully could be of some interest. I am a very proud Australian after living here for many years now, as anyone reading my blogs/ my ramblings, would know....even though some say my accent is often confusing πŸ˜†πŸ˜•.  Just me :) I love everything about this my home.  One thing I have noticed that often comes up is talk of our national anthem. We all sing it along with our athletes when a medal is won at any games experience whether it be Olympic, Commonwealth, or any sporting even where we win; which is often I add. For a country of around  25 million we play well above our weight on the world stage. Written by Scottish born Peter Dodds McCormick back in 1878  the words of our anthem seem quite dated and many agree. Some words have been changed, but still we are "girt by sea"...which no one really understands? The following has been a suggestion and is all inclusive. It brings