
Showing posts from July, 2021


Just about half way through the Olympics and so enjoying it and what great admiration I have for the years of dedication, training and perseverance for the many and varied athletes. There must be so many days when it’s difficult to get out of bed in the mornings to train, especially for the swimmers when it’s cold and the weather may be miserable, but they carry on regardless with the help of their families and loved ones to reach for their dreams.   Something likes this gives us all hope in these very trying times that the world is going through.   There have been so many moments of sheer joy and excellence even at this early stage. Australia, despite our comparatively small population in relation to many countries of the world, punch well above our weight in so many sports. Swimming is a joy...a sheer joy to watch. The trainer of Ariarne Titmus when she won the 800 metres freestyle final said that’s five years of hard work to reach that speed, that goal, when she bea

Renewable Energy...

 I am always very interested in renewable energy. The way we are going at the moment is not sustainable for our future. Fossil fuels will be a dirty word to future generations and although they have helped us build wealth, greatness and of course power this has to change and the extremes in our climate, which is happening now in most countries of the world, will only make this happen sooner rather than later. Every day now in the news there is some ongoing disaster where records are broken with heat, floods or forest fires and even the greatest sceptics must acknowledge this cannot continue as the planet continues to heat.   So while we learn to harness the suns energy and the technology for battery storage continues to improve, also energy from the wind, an interesting development has just taken place in the Orkney isles of Scotland. The worlds largest tidal turbine weighing 680 metric tons and dubbed the worlds most powerful has started to generate power.   The turbin


Just loving the Olympics and spending far too much time watching it but why not indeed after all it’s only once every four years... or in this case its been five thanks to the Coronavirus. Such a shame for Japan that it had to be delayed a whole year and everything printed with 2020 as well. It would, of course, be too expensive to change signage and that’s understandable but I do feel sorry that there are hardly any spectators due to this dreadful virus. The host country must be losing so much money through the loss of ticket sales as that surely is the most rewarding part. Television rights have been purchased around the world but it can’t be the same one would think.   The opening ceremony was spectacular, as they always are, but it lacked, once again, the many thousands that would have filled the stands in that huge and beautiful stadium and also would have added greatly to the atmosphere.   Among the colourful opening ceremony was the John Lennon song Imagine, which

Wearing A Mask Correctly...

I know I shouldn’t..and also know I never would...BUT when I see someone wearing a mask in these Covid-19 times under their chin or just covering their mouth, exposing their nose, I often feel like saying something to them. That’s not even counting those that refuse to wear a mask at all!   Maybe I should I know but it would most likely end in an argument and there are plenty of “Karen's” out there and also the male version I guess that would be a “Kevin” just busting for a fight and as the saying goes.....I would rather be a lover not a fighter!   You see them in shopping centres, not many I add these days, but they are there holding their head up high daring anyone to say something to them. You can see it in their eyes...I dare you to challenge me...just do it...just do it... I dare you!   I really have no idea just what their problem is really I don’t. If it helps saves the spread of this dreaded virus, and it’s now many variants, what is the problem! Although

Brisbane Has Been Awarded The Olympic Games 2032...

  Brisbane Australia has now been awarded the Olympic Games for 2032 and so proud. To be honest who really knows who amongst us will actually be around in 2032, anything can and often does happen that’s life as they say, but it’s an ongoing “thing” every four years for some country or other so ..well.. it might just as well be us here in Australia once again. Firstly in Melbourne in 1956...Sydney in 2000 and now 32 years later it will be our turn!    With everything the world is going through lately we need something, anything really, to look forward to. It’s so wonderful for young children that can dream as they grow that maybe they will be able to enter The Olympics for their country; from any country around the world. It’s a great dream indeed.   It was indeed an exciting moment when it was announced from Tokyo. We all waited with baited breath and were rewarded with the win. It was well deserved.   Many of the facilities are already in place maybe with


Just received my second AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine...   I really get quite annoyed at those that, for whatever reason, refuse to have the vaccine! Whether it be for religious grounds or just some confused personal grounds it makes no sense at all with what we are all going through all over the world and have been now for the past eighteen months and into the foreseeable future also. So many have died unnecessarily and will continue to do so until we all have the vaccine. The un-vaccinated are spreading the many variants and the more this thing is left to it's own devices to run rampant amongst us we are all vulnerable...even those that are vaccinated. We catch it and it could make us ill but nowhere near as bad as those that have had no vaccination at all! There are so many people in other countries absolutely crying out for the vaccines and can't get them for whatever reason and yet here in Australia where we now have plenty and still... STILL... people won't get them aa

It's Complicated...

   Remember the days before this dreaded Coronavirus when everything seemed so easy? Going to buy petrol for instance...   Number 1 As you drive in...reach for the mask to put on (not to rob the place I quickly add  😀 just what we have to do at the moment; we have to wear a mask.)   Number 2 As we reach for the petrol release cap switch memorise  the number of the pump for when we go into the shop to pay ( at least that hasn't changed!)   Number 3 Once filled up search in wallet through a myriad of different cards to find the Woolworths discount card for that extra few cents off the price...also the bank card of course to pay..   Number 4 Before entering the shop to pay we have to use the ‘Check In App’ on the ‘phone so that if there is a sudden outbreak of “the dreaded” we can be traced.   Number 5 Once through the door state number 6 of the by shown...all done ”no receipt thanks” I say on leaving as we smile to each other, the conso

My Secret Confession...

  I have a confession to make...I have a “thing” about pet shops.  I just love them !   Don’t know why or what it is but I have always loved going to pet shops for as long as I can remember.  Maybe it’s the child in me coming out I don’t know but a pet shop just draws me in for some reason.  The sounds of birds chirping...water running for the fish or just the overall smell of the place it just evokes so many memories in me.   We went to one yesterday, a new one I had never been to before, and it was a virtual Aladdin's Cave of wonderment to me. Pet Barn at Nerang here on the Gold Coast. It was so big I could spend hours...and hours and never be bored. We went there to buy some crushed corn for our three visiting bush turkeys that call in every afternoon for a feed.   So much variety from dog treats of all sizes; even dog birthday cakes would you believe. Amazing..then there’s the dog grooming room.   The beautiful coloured  tiny finches, to small parrots, and

Border Issues...

Well some more  people have been caught trying to evade our border issues with southern states here in Australia.   As Delta ravaged New South Wales battles yet another outbreak a superyacht crew thought they would evade our waters and, as stated in the newspapers, tried to slip into Gold Coast waters. It was just to see a rugby game in Brisbane. They tried and were successful, that is, until the authorities caught up with them for not being truthful with their paperwork and were fined for making a false border application pass.   The Dreamtime superyacht which arrived on the Gold Coast last week could so easily have spread the virus here. There were more than 17,000 other spectators in attendance at the said rugby match. Just imagine is they were contagious! Luckily far..they are not and have all returned negative tests.   The superyacht  charter has caused much consternation and anger to Queensland Health, and the police, for placing thousands of peoples

Where's The Delete Button...

  I often wish there was a delete button for some parts of our memory in the past... Do you ever think of things you may have said years ago and just cringe now? Something you may have said in a heated moment, only later on reflection to regret it, but words can hurt and they stay with us long after that moment has passed.   I often think of things...strangely enough when I’m trying to get to sleep and just lay there tossing and turning when the mind just wont switch off! I may have said things that have hurt people, relatives, friends and work mates..even Parents at times.  Maybe just thinking I’m smart...when really I’m not! I'm sure we've all been there...   Just some spur of the moment quip that bites to the bone and was taken too far only to regret it once it was said but it’s often too late the damage has been done.  Or things we may have done when first starting work and the mistakes you made either overdressed for the situation or just plain stupid mist

Miracles Do Happen...

A little bit of light relief amongst life's many dramas... You know that feeling of triumph when the last little bit is squeezed from the tube!  We flatten, bend, roll, shake and squeeze and amazingly still some more oozes out. Where does it all come from? Another one of life’s mysteries but it’s a great feeling when it does! It’s magic...pure magic. Toothpaste..creams...anything!  I’ve just gone an extra week...and I thought it was empty😄 Miracles do happen sometimes...even in the bathroom!    

Mixed Information...

  I always find it sad when politics is involved with our health. These days of the Coronavirus is a troubling time indeed for everyone but why in so called conservative circles does it often have to be different from the medical opinion of the day. We all remember what then President Trump called it in the early days...A Democrat Hoax! And I have referred to that before...   In the U.S. at the moment we have some of the right wing politicians saying strange in particular stating vaccinations are “a political tool used to control”...and “You can’t force people to be a part of the human experiment!”. Really....when it’s something for your own good. And also...“They don’t need medical brown shirts calling at their door ordering vaccinations”.   Now we all know, or should know, that “brown shirts” also known as storm troopers played a part in the rise of Hitler that led to the death of millions of people world wide including over six million Jews during the W

A Use By Date...

  Just got to thinking about all these visits to specialists when people are older. We have all heard the stories that someone in their eighties, even older,  has to have procedures like a skin cancer removed. I know but does it come to a stage where we die with something...or from something? We hear of so many having trips to specialists when in their very senior years..often its more like a full time job; a check for this here and a check for that there.    It’s great that the care is there and that we have so many to look after us when older but does it come to a time when we maybe should just let nature take it’s course instead of constantly fighting to swim up stream.   I remember when my Father was very ill and in his eighties and was in hospital...he died not long after...when he was in hospital they were always taking him for tests and x-rays and I said to the doctor one day...” Is that all really necessary?”. His reply was “...maybe not.” I knew my Father was


 A follow up to my blog yesterday:   There’s a lot of talk about not all nurses in care homes and hospitals being vaccinated against Covid 19...which of course they should be...what about Barbers? Shouldn’t that be compulsory to be vaccinated or just good common sense.   Just had a hair cut and I offered to keep my mask on but was told it makes it difficult to cut hair...which I understand. He never wore a mask.    I wouldn’t like to have to wear one all day long either but we are in strange times. Not wishing to sound melodramatic...but guess I am...a barber is on the front line just as much as a nurse is. They have dozens of people pass through their shop each and every day. It only takes one to have one of the many strains or variants that are circulating. I just find it annoying!   He was a nice enough guy and he did a good job with a haircut but you would least I would think...that I am seeing so many people locals, tourists, whose to say who has this

Viruses That Don't Spread Cannot Mutate...

Covid-19    There are a number of treatments talked about on social media the latest one being pushed by a politician here in Australia. It may work well, I have no understanding I am not a scientist, but why not stick to the tried and tested vaccines that are freely available.  Why not listen to our scientists. They have worked tirelessly to find a cure and yet many always try another route I have no idea why. Some often seem to think because someone is making money out of it we should not have these vaccinations. To be perfectly honest I couldn't care who makes money as long as we’re all kept safe!   The latest I just read is that unvaccinated people, as you may have guessed, are just as much a danger to themselves as they are to other people. A “Variant Factory” no less with new strains of the Covid virus constantly changing and evolving.   So no matter what age the tried and true vaccines are the only answer.   I’m sure many of these people against vaccines w

Global Warming...

The small town of Lytton, Canada, has just recorded it’s highest ever temperature of 49.6 degrees Celsius (121.3 degrees Fahrenheit ) that’s unprecedented. A heat wave that has killed hundreds of people and triggered over 240 forest fires across British Columbia. This small town of just 250 people, situated in the mountains, where the average June maximum temperature usually sits around 25c degrees. This year was far, far, different where night time is hotter than during the day and air conditioning is not the usual fixture.   Much of the town has been destroyed and many have had to leave their once small quiet town. And as the jet stream configuration changes the pressure becomes stuck for weeks at a time; as is happening in the northern hemisphere. Is this the future? Is this what will happen if we refuse to do nothing about the climate it surely is! Could this be the new normal....I certainly hope not for all the future generations to come.   We have bee

Home Grown Problems...

       This will be of no interest to anyone outside of Australia I know, and these are just my thoughts, but I predict there "could" be a challenge to our Prime Minister Morrison by years end. In my opinion it has been chaotic here the past 18 months or so of this virus circulating.   Vaccines that were promised, for one reason or another, have not materialised. It was delayed from the start and at the moment 18 months into this pandemic here in Australia only around...depending who you listen to...between 5 and 9% of the population are fully vaccinated. Way, way, below other countries. In fact we are somewhere near the very bottom of the chart for full vaccinations. And we were doing so well at the beginning and had such great expectations.   There have been 25 outbreaks from hotel quarantine..the 5th in the last three months. Hotels were never meant to house returning people everyone states that fact but they keep putting people there.   We have in Austr