
Showing posts from February, 2023

Harry Mania...

 Yes we're in the midst of Harry mania! No not that Harry, the other one, Harry Styles. Yes he's here in Australia and enjoying huge popularity. Tonight's concert in front of 50,000 fans on the Gold Coast. His only Queensland show.  He is the biggest "thing" for many years. After all who but Harry could hold the record for 15 sold out consecutive shows at New York's Madison Square Garden while on a major world tour for his "Love On Tour"...series of concerts. Anyone that says it's all too silly has a very short memory when back as far as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Pat Boone in the fifties (Just remind your parents of their early crush) and on and on it goes there have been teen idols. They come and they go. Some lasting longer than others. Good for them...make it while you can and store away the money...or some of the money for that inevitable rainy day down the track. So from Davy Jones in the 60's to David Cassidy in the 70's...anyon


Why do we feel obliged to have to celebrate a birthday as we get older, even if we don't really want to? I can understand children celebrating their birthdays. Great, good fun. Cake, candles and streamers.  I can understand 18-year-olds and 21-year-olds celebrating a milestone birthday but once we get to say forty plus...why? Is it just "I've survived another year".  I'm certain no one really wants or needs to be reminded the age clock is counting down to an inevitable midnight. Does anyone really need reminding that they are getting older? A birthday card with some, supposedly funny but not really, remark that another year has passed. I just find there's no need as one-year blends slowly into the next. Thats enough, that's enough for me. I know it, why everyone else needs to is a mystery.  I'm sure I'm not the only one! After all I'm convinced age IS a state of mind and once you get into that mindset it's good for mind and  body. Once you


This time one year ago Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine. So many lives since have been lost on both sides. Many, many thousands of refugees have left their homeland through no choice of their own. Cities devastated. Peoples homes flattened into unrecognisable piles of rubble and it continues today. Putin thought he could take Ukraine in a few days...he was badly mistaken. NATO countries have stood strong and helped. Many countries around the world have helped. We in Australia have helped with training Ukranian soldiers to sending money and equipment. There is one question I have often wondered and if any of my friends in the United States can help, I would be appreciative.  Here in Australia, from what I understand, almost everyone supports Ukraine and it's fight against the strength of Putin and Russia. We know that if Ukraine falls to the Russian troops NATO countries are most likely under threat and that will lead to conflict on a much, much larger scale. Why does it appea

Just day dreaming....

  Just a pleasant quiet place I like to sit and ponder on things. Where I've been, where I'm going, you know the usual stuff. Watching the world go by as I sit under the shade of a tree listening to the birds singing and appreciating life around me. It's been a long and often bumpy ride to where I am today and who knows what tomorrow may bring. All good things we hope. That's what I always say I buy another lottery ticket!😊 There always has to be something to look forward to or what's the point.  There is so much sadness in the world right now I know. Has there ever been a time when there wasn't any sadness in the world. If there was, I can't remember just when. There are people still preaching the end of the world as we know it and the doomsday clock, as it's called, is ever approaching the bewitching hour. Should we be nervous...should we be scared? I guess so but we seem to have been living "on the edge" for so long now I guess

Self Service Check-outs at Supermarkets.

 What do you think of self service checkouts at supermarkets? Me...not so much. Never been impressed and never use them. I would rather go without or go somewhere else if I can't see someone in person at the checkout. You know people are doing the wrong things with vegetables ...bags of carrots put through as something else when no one is looking. I have been told and know it happens. Just to save a wage rather than pay a checkout operator. Now I understand that one supermarket chain has placed A.I. cameras above the checkouts to make sure no one "fiddles the system". I find it all very annoying. I know I'm old fashioned and don't apologise for that. I just believe in paying a wage rather than paying for expensive cameras.  Has anyone seen the shoplifted "stuff" poked at the back of shelves lately. I have. Empty boxes of expensive face lead packets...expensive dog products de-wormers, flea treatments etc., Have a look next time

Anniversary of the Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples...

On February 13 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a formal apology to Australia's indigenous peoples, particularly the stolen generation, on behalf of the nation at Australian Parliament House. Prime Minster Rudd Labor Leader at the time being thanked by an Indigenous elder for his speech. It was a wonderful and very moving moment in time. Peter Dutton,15 years later and today the opposition Liberal leader, was amongst a group of seven MPs back then that boycotted or walked out of parliament in protest when the speech was made.  Today he says he's sorry for boycotting the speech and didn't appreciate the symbolism of it, the importance and the consequences.  I never thought much of Peter Dutton back then doing that and actually I had forgotten about it until this all came up again recently. Although he has now apologised for his actions back then has he really changed?  The previous Prime Minister to Mr. Rudd was John Howard Liberal Party. He steadfastly refused to apol

On a lighter note...

 Do you talk to your pet? Of course you do, everyone does, although some would not admit to it 😃 "How did you sleep?...have any dreams?" I ask as I uncover my parrot...YES parrot!! I know..I know..but we all do it 😏 "Just going out now...see you soon", as I leave the apartment, I call to a bewildered looking bird alone in her cage..sorry house...don't like the term cage...think I have mentioned that before. On return "Hello love👋👋," and met with screams of welcome home or in bird language it could just  mean ...LET ME OUT.....LET ME OUT you idiot leaving me alone...what are you thinking...expletive..expletive!!  Which of course I obey and once the welcome scratches and more talking has taken place, she takes up residence on the bed...or the lounge...or the drawer, whichever is the preference that moment. It changes constantly and I obey every command.  Well not the bird! Pets...what would life be without them. I know they are sometim

Pedigree mixtures...

There are so many new little dogs in the apartment building where I live. Expensive and pedigree of course! From Cavoodles..dooodles..woodles whatever else is mixed together to make a cute, and very expensive companion. I've lost track of the latest trend in dogs. Very confusing! One couple here purchased a new pedigree puppy from interstate it was very expensive. Plus the transport, air fare and vet fees of course.  I'm not sure how a mixed breed mutt would be received in the building where I live? It could be an interesting conversation in the elevator that's for sure! I love dogs...I had one once. Just a very ordinary mixed breed purchased from a pet shop. Nothing fancy but greatly loved and gave love and loyalty in return. They're such great company especially for someone living on their own.  Their loss can be devastating. I know...been there done that. My dog was 14 and they are a great part of your life. A true member of the family. So although I love all the new

To be heard above the rest...

I often envy those people with loud voices. Not the annoying ones but just enough to be heard above the rest. I can never keep up with others that have more volume. I just seem to get swamped out and get a sore throat after a while anyway when I try. It's just not me! You know some have that edge that they are able to "turn on" to get their point across.  Me...mmmm not so much...But I could see a funny side yesterday. I was in a queue, just for some take away fish and chips. 😋 It was busy and lots happening. The shop was steamy with cooking, customers, and noise. Big guy with apron standing behind the counter and well... I'm pretty big myself...well tall anyway...and as I was getting nearer and nearer to being served, I was preparing myself for this big announcement, my order, in my best loud macho voice.  Then it was my turn and all that came out was this soft small sound just above a whisper. 😳 I increased the volume above the shop noise as much as possible but so

The Songs of My Life Growing up.....

The songs of my life growing up... Sad to hear today of the passing of music legend Burt Bacharach. An American legend in every sense of the word. Composer, songwriter, record producer, pianist and also performer. So many many songs,  hundreds of songs, many written in collaboration with lyricist Hal David, that has formed a huge part of my life. Many of his songs became standards and recorded by so many artists that will live on forever. My instant memories...there are so many...'Anyone Who Had a Heart' the Cilla Black version as I grew up in the UK. Dionne Warwick and the original in the U.S.. Wow...loved it. Who could forget her singing 'Don't Make Me Over'..ooohh ! And of course 'Do You Know The Way To San Jose'. 'Make It Easy On Yourself'  The Walker Brothers..Amazing...just amazing. Scotts voice is beyond...beyond! Listen to it if you have a chance it must be on YouTube somewhere...everything is on YouTube somewhere 😊 I have seve

The Uluru Statement..A voice To Parliament.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have consistently called for self-determination, rather than symbolism, to make a real difference to their lives. The referendum is a voice. It is a start. It is a beginning...a shared new beginning.                                                                 To me it often appears money is thrown at a situation by successive governments, and nothing changes. The problems are always there seemingly hidden "under the carpet". Out of mind...out of sight until another "situation" arises. (Just have to look at Alice Springs amongst others to see the problem my recent blog dated Feb 3. A Voice to Parliament would act as an independent source of advice to Parliament and Government to make laws that stand a better chance of working on the ground where real change is needed. It calls for structural reforms including constitutional change to establish a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution. It would provide a mechanism

Our Hearts break for the Earthquake Victims

As the death toll for the Turkey and Syria earthquake today heads towards 8,000 it's so heartbreaking to see the images on our television news. That number is beyond...beyond anything 8,000 lives! Survivors are still being pulled from the rubble more than 24 hours after the 7.8 earthquake. Blocks of flats collapsing like packs or cards almost seems unreal and must send a shudder through many people whose countries live along fault lines as is often the case when one goes so do others. They all seem and are often linked have you noticed. Similar to volcanos when one blows others appear more active. Not sure if that fact is science based or just me, but it does "seem" to happen I find. Also, with the bitter cold winter there at the moment that doesn't help as people have to sleep outside in tents where possible. That's if they're fortunate enough to have tents of course. Just cannot imagine and there's also many refugees suffering from wars and other conflic

One Day...Some Day..

Something I regret after the passing now of both of my Parents is I wished I had listened more. I mean we listen but not really, if you understand what I mean, hard to explain.  History...details we hear so often we, or at least I, tended to sort of switch off as it were. My Fathers exploits during the war discussed with associates that I just tuned out on after a while and what exactly his medals mean that are now in my safe keeping. Growing up where and how. I know places and names but sometimes it's so vague that I wished I had listened more..paid more attention...taken more mental or physical notes. If I could say one thing to you, anyone that's reading my thoughts, is to at least have your parents' voices recorded somewhere. Anywhere. Mobile phones weren't out back then when my Parents passed but tape recorders were, and I regret not being able to listen to their voices. It's such an easy thing now to record on the phone and I ask anyone to at le

Can you believe this?

Can you believe this? And the year is 2023... Iran: Couple sentenced to 10 years in prison for dancing on the street angering Muslims in Tehran states a human rights activist group news agency. However, Mizan, a news agency affiliated with Iran's judiciary said each individual was sentenced to 5-year prison terms. Whatever the truth is either way it's bad...and sad! They have been sentenced under charges for promoting "corruption, prostitution and propaganda" and "assembly and collusion with the intention of disrupting national security". Reminds me of another group of six people singing along to the Pharrell Williams song "Happy" back in 2014. There were numerous video clips of people singing to the song around the world.  Not in Iran though they were prosecuted!  Six Iranians were arrested for appearing in the video clip after it was brought to the attention of the Iranian authorities and were sentenced to six months in prison, with one member of

You're So Vain...

 Are you like me when you hear of a celebrity that has just died on the news and they maybe don't mention their age you google them and compare to your own age? Or maybe hear a song played on the radio and then check who the singer is only to find out, dread upon dread, that they died years ago...aaahhh 😕😧 That song never seems to sound quite the same again... Amazing isn't it that we can hear and see them, even in our minds eye, as they were so many years after their passing not even realising they have gone. They look and sound as fresh as when we knew them...not actually knew them but you know what I mean. I wish I knew them, some of them, of course. would know the song 'You're so Vain' sung by Carly Simon. It's played quite often on the radio and I always sing do many I guess. Well I saw a video of her a few days ago singing along to that song from what appeared to be her bedroom and she looked nothing like I remember. Time passes I

local wild life...

Although I live in an apartment, I still see plenty of native Australian wildlife here on Queensland's Gold Coast.  As I am on the ground floor with a small garden bush turkeys wander around the grounds. At least two and a very young baby as well lately. There are black and white currawongs with markings similar to a Magpie but a much larger bird. There are about four or five of those that visit on a regular basis. They all love mince by the way. At the moment we are getting through almost two kilos a week! They have expensive taste, and we don't deny them of it! Butcher birds are a small brownish colour with a beautiful song and they are very tame now every year bringing in their new babies to show us ...and add to our mounting meat bill! But by me I love to see the Water Dragon. About half a metre long he will suddenly appear and jump up alongside when we sit quietly reading...or nodding off...whatever the case maybe :) With such a shock I add...always a shock! The cl

Alice Springs...

Alice Springs is the third largest town in the Northern Territory of Australia. Surrounded by several deserts and situated in central Australia, or the Red Centre, as it is called. It is an arid often harsh environment. It has a population of around 32,000 surrounded by 17 communities and is constantly in the news lately and not in a good way! Aboriginal Australians make up approximately 20% of the population but take up most, if not all, of the daily news with bad behavior, rampant violence due to alcohol where they self-medicate the only way they know how and getting drunk hides ongoing problems and helps them forget. Suffering from a lack of work, lack of home life, schooling..lack of things to do and most of all a lack of purpose children often are safer on the streets than they are at home we are told.  Every hour of the night it seems, when they should be home in bed, children and youths run rampant causing trouble. Many coming from families where alcohol and family violence are